Kimberly Byrum | Tampa Dealmakers



Managing Principal-Multifamily

Zonda Advisory

With over 29 years of experience, Kimberly has worked extensively across commercial real estate functions, including site selection and development, due diligence, acquisitions, property management, and asset management. She is recognized as an expert in the fields of multifamily consumer research, rent positioning, and product design with a strong technical background in market-submarket selection, econometric modeling, and revenue management.

Prior to joining Zonda, Kimberly was with Alvarez & Marsal under the Real Estate Advisory Services Group handling projects like asset management and property management of distressed student housing, valuation of real estate at regional banks throughout the country, analysis of military housing feasibility, and litigation support involving matters of dispute in commercial real estate transactions.

Kimberly holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Economics from Texas A&M University, as well as Program Certifications from Southern Methodist University, the University of Notre Dame, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

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