
Columbus Dealmakers

Today’s housing market shifts require a playbook of new strategies to stay competitive. Access 4 hours of dedicated networking, plus data-driven, up-to-date economic and housing forecasts and insight on hottest housing trends from the leading experts.

Tuesday, May 20, 2025 Renaissance Columbus Downtown 7:30AM - 11:30AM EDT


Meet the Trailblazers

Innovators, visionaries, and pioneers will inspire, teach, and guide us in the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.


Who’s it for


  • Gain economic, market, and capital trends insights to today’s residential market.
  • Connect with your local industry peers and learn about housing forecasts for your region and gain valuable insights into navigating the ever-evolving housing market
  • Connect on deals with capital providers.
  • Learn strategies to adapt to market shifts and challenges, ensuring your business stays competitive and agile


  • Gain economic, market, and capital trends insights to today’s residential market.
  • Discover the latest trends shaping residential development in your region and nationally.
  • Connect with leading private and public builders in your communities or future developments.
  • Equip yourself with the market knowledge to capitalize on new opportunities and drive successful projects

Capital Providers

  • Explore investment opportunities and gain a deeper understanding of the local housing landscape
  • Connect on deals with builders and developers in your market.
  • Stay informed on emerging market dynamics to guide your capital strategies effectively

Vendors and Manufacturers

  • Showcase innovative products and solutions that address the unique needs of the building industry
  • Build relationships with key decision-makers who are shaping the future

Explore Dana Point

The Ritz-Carlton Laguna Niguel has a discounted rate of $385 / night.
The block will close on 4/02/2022 or when all rooms are full.  
To make reservations, please click here.


Select an individual ticket or reserve a table of ten and bring your colleagues to maximize your time at the event.

Individual Admission


Register Now

Table of Ten Admission


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